Study: Artificial Intelligence(AI)

    [논문리뷰] A Survey on Video Summarization Techniques (IJCA 2015)

    # Title: A Survey on Video Summarization Techniques Abstract Video summarization methods attempt to abstract the Video summarization methods 는 video를 쉽게 해설하기 위해 main occurrences, scenes, or objects in a clip를 바탕으로 요약하는 것.(removing duplications & extracting key frames) Video summarization은 frame을 block별로 분할하여 the mean, variance, skew, kurtosis histogram of every block을 계산하고 corresponding blocks o..

    [AI] Sequential, Functional, Model sub-classing using Keras and TensorFlow 2.0

    Keras and TensorFlow 2.0 provide you with three methods to implement your own neural network architectures: Sequential API Functional API Model subclassing Summary In this tutorial you learned the three ways to implement a neural network architecture using Keras and TensorFlow 2.0: Sequential: Used for implementing simple layer-by-layer architectures without multiple inputs, multiple outputs, or..

    [AI] back-propagation supplementary explanation

    0. Overall Explanation: Calculate the hidden neuron value using weights from the input, and calculate the output of network using those values. Obtain the error value of the obtained output and target values and update the weight value to minimize the error value through backpropagation. 1. Each neuron is composed of two units. First unit adds products of weights coefficients and input signals. ..

    [Vision] 용어정리(epoch, batch size, )

    Fully Connected Neural Network(FC) : 노드와 노드 간의 연결이 모두 이루어진 것 Activation Function : sigmoid나 hyper-tangent와 같은 비선형 포화 함수(non-linear saturating function)를 사용하게 되면, 입력의 절대 값이 작은 일부 구간을 제외하면 미분 값이 0 근처로 가기 때문에 역전파(backpropagation)를 통한 학습이 어려워지거나 느려지게 됨. 이 문제의 해결책: ReLU: 간접적인 회피로 문제가 완화되긴했으나, 망이 깊어지면 여전히 문제.(dropout, regularization은 본질적인 해결책이 아님.) Residual Network & Batch Normalization(BN) (2015): 획기..

    [논문리뷰] colorBased Hands Tracking System for sign language recognition ( IEEE 1998 ) Color-based hands tracking system for sign language recognition - IEEE Conference Publication # Keypoint Hand tracking system을 kalman Filter을 활용하여 구현 피부색으로 color extraction! skin은 안좋음,, deep-learning있는 상태에선 형태인식!! 조건(너무 많음,,) 1. 배경이 손에 비해 매우 정적 2. 사용자는 무조건 긴팔 옷 3. 얼굴은 손에 비해 매우 정적 step1. skin HSV map 생성 : 피부색을 이진화 하기 위해 map 생성 step2...