
    Various Robots ( 생체모방로봇 - 8 ADVANCED ROBOTS ANIMAL )

    # keypoint NO.1 - BionicANTs | Festo https://www.festo.com/group/en/cms/10... https://www.festo.com/net/SupportPort... NO.2 - BionicKangaroo | Festo https://www.festo.com/group/en/cms/10... https://www.festo.com/net/supportport... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BionicK... NO.3 - The Robot Dragonfly | Techject Inc. http://techject.com/ http://techject.com/robot-dragonfly/ https://en.wikipedia.org/..

    Various Robot ( 'Festo' - 6 Super Cool Robots With Artificial Intelligence)

    # keypoint 1. BionicFlyingFox - Ultra-lightweight flying object with intelligent kinematics + https://www.festo.com/group/en/cms/13130.htm 2. AquaJelly - Autonomous jellyfish with collective behaviour 3. BionicWheelBot - Walk and roll like a flic-flac spider + https://www.festo.com/group/en/cms/13129.htm 4. SmartBird - Aerodynamic SmartBird flight model 5. eMotionButterflies - With the bionic bu..